The pups are going to be 7 weeks old tomorrow! On Tuesday they were to have their microchips done which went really well. When they have this done the vet also gives them a good check, he was very very pleased with them. In the vets (an alien environment) they appeared happy and confident, no yapping or whining which is a great sign that they will be able to adapt quickly to new surroundings when they go to their new homes.

Mini our black bitch pup is still available but the other pups have all found fabulous new homes waiting for them in the next couple of weeks.

The puppies are now fully weaned and are spending their nights without their Mum, again, to prepare them for when they leave.

Puppies are loving the good weather we have had and have spent the majority of their days out in our garden. They find leaves and twigs to play with and scrap over and they like to parade their toys about, tail up in the air saying 'look at me'!

Anyway it's 7.20am and I can hear that they are ready for breakfast... They've done very well to leave it this late, especially now Mum is not in with them! Another day of fun and puppy love awaits.......

20/8/2013 05:02:56 am

I love this photo!! We are counting down the days until we can pick Pippa up and bring her to her new home.


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